Physio Exam

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How to Answer the 5 minute follow up Questions (Clinical Component)

The Clinical Component of the Canadian Physiotherapy National Exam contains clinical stations (both 5 minute and 10 minute stations) as well as 5 minute follow up Written Questions.

We have found that many candidates often forget about this part of the exam - and we want to highlight its importance as you can actually make up and gain a lot of marks in this section!!

How can you prepare for the Written Questions in the Canadian Clinical Exam?

  1. Have a list of common goals of treatment (examples listed below)

    • Strengthen

    • Improve ROM

    • Reduce pain

    • Improve overall function

    • Improve cardiovascular fitness

    • Improve endurance

    • Improve posture

    • Increase self efficacy and patient autonomy

  2. Have a list of common outcome measures you can apply to most cases and conditions (examples listed below)

    • Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

    • MMT

    • ROM (PROM, AROM)

    • TUG

    • SF-36 Questionnaire

  3. Know specific outcome measures (examples listed below)

    • Parkinsons disease: UPDRS; Hoehn and Yahr

    • Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale

    • Stroke: Fugl Meyer; Chedoke McMaster

    • Balance and mobility: Berg Balance Scale; 6MWT; 10MWT; DGI; Functional Reach Test; TUG; Romberg’s

    • Cardio: BORG; 6-minute Walk Test

  4. You will be provided with a note pad to take into your exam station

    • Make sure you record any values/results/observations from the station

    • You may have a follow up question that requires you to document your findings from the station e.g. ROM; MMT’s

  5. Know your precautions/contraindications for specific treatments (examples listed below)

    • Percussions/vibrations: Burns, fractured ribs, increased ICP, pneumothorax, osteoporosis

    • Joint mobilizations: fracture, dislocation, cancer, vertebral artery insufficiency, osteoporosis

    • Electrotherapy Modalities (e.g. Ultrasound therapy: impaired cognition, haemorrhagic conditions, active DVT)

  6. Have a list of common interventions

    • Exercise therapy (ROM, strengthening exercises)

    • Education re self management strategies

    • Activity modifications

    • Pain management education

  7. Even if you have no idea always write something down!!!

If you are looking for some extra practice before your PCE Exam - check out our Clinical Component Course and our Mock Clinical Stations