Physio Exam

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COVID-19: Study tips to help you navigate your study during this time

Statement from the CAPR website as of March 20, 2020

“In response to domestic and international COVID-19 containment measures, CAPR has made the decision to postpone the administrations of the Written Component of the PCE scheduled for May 4, 2020, and July 11, 2020, and the administration of the Clinical Component of the PCE scheduled for June 6, 2020.”

We understand the disruptions may be very overwhelming and things might feel out of your control– including the decision of CAPR to postpone the written and clinical exams. We have put together some practical tips to help you navigate and continue your study during this time.

Firstly, it’s okay to feel anxious.

Try to be patient and take care of yourself. We are all in this together – feel free to get in contact with us as we are more than happy to help guide you through your study.

Here are a few practical study tips to help you navigate your study during this time:

1.     Create a study space

  • Creating a space can help you stay focused

  • We recommend finding a quiet space in your home (away from the television or other family members who may distract you)

2.     Create a study routine and stick to it

  • Creating a routine can help provide structure and keep you motivated

  • When making your schedule be sure to create realistic time slots for studying different topics

  • Organize your time and make sure you set time for self-care and exercise

3.     If you enjoy studying in a group, try a phone-based session or a virtual session

  • A colleague of ours primarily studied for his clinical exam over the phone with friends (this was prior to the COVID-19 restrictions) and he was successful with his exam.

  • Check out his story in Episode 16 of our Physio Exam Podcast

4.     Take time for self-care!

  • It’s so important to look after yourself during this time.

  • Go outside for a walk, exercise at home or find other ways to relax (e.g. we love meditation tools such as headspace)

5.     Make sure you get enough sleep

  • By getting a good night’s sleep you’ll feel energised and ready to stick to your study schedule

We hope everyone is keeping safe.

Good luck, stay safe and healthy!