How to approach a Virtual Clinical Station? The Clinical Component of the PCE

We have created a General Framework you can use to approach a Virtual Clinical Station:

1.    Introduce yourself and always gain consent 

(Ensure you are aware of the differences between consent and informed consent)

  • Introduce yourself: “Hi my name is……, I am an interim physiotherapist”

  • Explain the purpose and objective of your interaction

  • Ask if the patient has any questions

  • Ask if they are in any current pain, discomfort, symptoms 

  • Ask “Do I have your consent to proceed?”

2.    Ensure the patient is in a comfortable and safe position.

3.    Always check in with your patient re: any pain, discomfort or present symptoms. 

4.    Be prepared to teach exercises with minimal or no equipment. 

5.    Be prepared to regress or progress your exercises. 

6.    Always verbalise everything! (e.g. for a postural assessment verbalise everything you can see) 

  • Verbalise out loud everything you can see! If you don’t verbalise – the examiner won’t be able to give you marks. 

7.     Have a clear flow to your station

  • Introduction (ALWAYS gain consent)

  • Complete the objective of the station (i.e. answer the question!)

  • Conclusion (wrap up prior to the end of the station)

8.  Most importantly smile, be confident and have fun with it!

If you’re looking to further prepare for your exam - we have created Mock Clinical Stations to help prepare you for a Virtual Clinical PCE.

Colin Wong