Tips for the day/night before your Canadian physiotherapy exam!

We all know that feeling before an exam…we often feel anxious, nervous, unsure of our selves and sometimes even overwhelmed.

I want to reassure you that all of these feelings you are experiencing are normal and expected! I am here to share a few tips that I personally found helpful!

I highly recommend implementing these tips/strategies the night before your theory exam (or in fact before any exam you are planning to sit)


1.     STOP any study at 6pm the night before your exam!

·      You need to trust that you have revised and learnt the material over the last few weeks/months

·      You need to understand that any last minute cramming (till 12pm) will have a negative effect on your exam performance

·      It’s so important to get a good night sleep! You don’t want to head into an exam exhausted after only having 4-5 hours sleep.



·      You need to give your mind and body time to rest and recharge

·      Go for a walk, go to the gym or to your favourite exercise class to help clear your mind



·      Reset your mind!

·      Meditation can help ease those nerves, reduce any stress and help you focus!

·      We highly recommend looking into downloading the App: headspace! It’s free and has amazing meditation tools.

·      Both Colin and I found the App helpful the night before and on the morning prior to our exam! It helped us get in the zone and allowed us to focus our attention.




Colin Wong