How do I start preparing for the written PCE? 7 Day Study Boot Camp


We understand that it can be overwhelming to have all your text books, lecture notes, laptop out and not knowing where to start.

The first step we suggest is to make yourself a study schedule & plan.

This should be a rough guideline so you feel that you are still in control. A big part of this schedule is respecting that you need time OFF from studying! Along with planning your study materials, have little breaks that are scheduled (maybe plan a small hike or outing)

We have found that it is best to make your study schedule aligned with the topics that are on the CAPR exam blueprint!

We have also created a FREE 7 day Study Boot Camp to help kickstart your study routine as we know it can be overwhelming getting started. You can sign up below to start our Boot Camp today.

If you’re motivated and want to prepare at your own pace then you may find it beneficial to sign up to an Online Course to help guide you through the study process. We have designed and created a self paced comprehensive Online Course to help you pass your Written Physiotherapy Competency Examination.


Free 7 day study boot camp!

Colin WongComment