New 2021 Clinical PCE Structure


1 ) Virtual Exam

The first major change is that the 2021 clinical PCE will be entirely virtual. This means that all hands-on type questions will not be examined. The exam will be run on a secure platform and CAPR will release more information regarding the actual process in the coming weeks.

2) Two Day Exam & Fewer Stations!

The second major change is that the exam will be run on two separate days. The first day will involve six 10 minute stations and the second day will involve six 5 minute stations.

3) No Written Follow-up Questions (5 minute stations)

In the previous exam, the 5-minute stations also consisted of 5 minute follow up written questions. This will not be included in the new exam!

4) Based on the previous PCE Blueprint

CAPR does not have time to change the entirety of the exam as it would not be a valid and reliable exam. Therefore, the exam will be based on the previous PCE blueprint.

As stated in one of the town hall meetings CAPR held earlier in the month, there will be no minimum stations that need to be passed. Due to the change in structure from 16 stations to 12 stations, they are not able to ensure a valid exam based on the data they have if they kept that as a requirement. (This is merely a technicality as it provides no changes to the exam itself).

The foundations of the exam have not changed, but merely how the concepts are being examined. For example, they are still able to examine your clinical reasoning on a subject without hands-on measurements/assessments.

Tele-health questions will NOT be examined as it was not included in the PCE blueprint.

Colin Wong